Born in Little Rock Arkansas, Anita was raised in Tucson, Arizona along with her seven siblings. Being brought up in church, the foundation for a relationship with the Lord was laid such as it were. In retrospect, she understood that the hand of the Lord was upon her life for as long as she could remember. She received Jesus Christ and the baptism of the Holy Ghost at the age of nineteen.
After encountering the fullness of God, she heard the divine audible voice of God calling her to ministry. In her early twenties, she answered the call, God working mightily through her with ministry gifts of healing and prophecy. Over the years Anita has given herself over to hours of intense prayer, fasting, and study of the word, with the understanding that true knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, comes only through revelation of the Holy Ghost. Therefore as a minister of God, she seeks to hear from the Lord on a daily basis.
As a child, she suffered sexual abuse and rejection, which left her broken. Experiencing the unconditional love of the Father and His restoration power, she was healed and made completely whole. With the same love, she preaches a powerful gospel through TV and evangelism, too many hurting and broken.
In Anita’s travels, she has seen many broken souls, in need of the gospel message. She teaches; The God of the Bible is a God of restoration. No matter how severe your brokenness, Almighty God has the power to heal, deliver and set you free.
Jesus paid the great and precious price for healing for all humanity by His own blood, on the cross at Calvary. Beloved, there is room for you too, at the foot of the cross. For Jesus declared;
…And him that cometh to me I will no wise cast out- John 6:37.
Today, O broken one, If you will come to Christ in faith you will find redemption and rest for your soul.